I am a Full Professor (1404) at the University of Bergen and Center Director of the Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation - SFI MediaFutures worth around 26 million EUR. I am also the founder of the DARS research group at UiB and hold a 10% Research Professor (Forsker I) position in NORCE (NKLM, department of Health) one of Norway's largest research institutions. I am also an External Lecturer at MODUL University Vienna, Austria's leading international private university. I have received a PhD (with distinction), an MSc (with distinction) and a BSc in Computer Science and Telematics from Graz University of Technology (Austria). I am an ACM Senior Member and a former Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) fellow, Marshall Plan and European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERICM) fellow and have been working at Graz University of Technology from 2009-2012, the University of Pittsburgh from 2011-2012, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2014-2015, and have been visiting Yahoo! Labs Barcelona in 2014 and CWI Amsterdam in 2015 two times. I position my research in two central specializations in the Information Science research field. The first is "Behavioral Data Analytics" and the second is "Recommender Systems". Since 2009, I published over 100 scientific articles in top venues about my work and have acquired over 54 million Euros in funding on European and (inter) national level - 30 million as the PI. Examples of outlets where my work has been published includes NATURE Sustainability, JASIST, EPJ Data Science, UMUAI, WWW, AAAI ICWSM or ACM SIGIR. I am also the winner of several Best Paper/Poster Awards and Nominations, including, the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention at the prestigious CORE A* ranked The Web Conference in 2017. I regularly act as a (senior) PC member on several top-tier - CORE A* ranked - conferences and co-organize or co-chair a number of workshops and conferences. Recent examples include ACM RecSys in 2018 - 2020 (as Workshop/Late-Breaking Results co-chair) and ACM SIGIR 2020 - 2021 (as senior PC). I am a steering board member of CEDAS (Center for Data Science) at UiB, a member of the study program board of the Information Science program at UiB and a member of the editorial board of Elsevier's journal on Online Social Networks and Media, the Open Access Journal Future Internet, Frontiers in Big Data, Springer's Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and AI and Ethics. Since 2009, I have taught over 2000 students in Austria and Norway, in over 35 courses on BSc, MSc, MBA and PhD level about ICT, and I supervised over 35 students on their Master or PhD thesis.
ACM Involvement: ACM Senior Member; Helped co-organise several prestigious ACM conferences in the past in several different roles (e.g., ACM Hypertext, ACM RecSys or ACM IUI) and have been involved as PC and Senior PC in many of them as well. Recent senior PC membership in ACM conferences include ACM SIGIR 2021 or ACM IUI 2022.
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Data Science on the Web for Better Food Decision Making
According to the World Health Organization around 80% of cases of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes could be avoided if people were to implement a healthier diet. Computational data...
Online food recommendations
Similar to Online food recommendations: A complex problem? but also adresses the propblem of Similar food recommendations and gives insightes to the problme of collaborative filtering vs...
- Online food recommendations: A complex problem?
The problem of recommending food to people has recently become an active field of research. While there is a growing body of work investigating how online food recommender systems could...To request a tour with this speaker, please complete this online form.
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- Online food recommendations: A complex problem?