What Metaheuristics can do for you?
Speaker: M. Sohel Rahman – Dhaka, BangladeshTopic(s): Applied Computing
Often we are provided with multiple options and we want to pick the best one. This is true for our daily life, but also for many scenarios in different branches of science and engineering (e.g., industry, management, planning, design, medical services, logistics etc.). Unfortunately- or perhaps fortunately for us, i.e., Metaheuristics community, most of the problems that deal with such situation are "hard" to solve. Metaheuristics are an approach to solve such hard problems. In this talk, after briefly introducing metaheuristics techniques and what sort of problems it can solve, we will take a journey to different domains to explore how different metaheuristics techniques are solving diverse range of problems. In the sequel, I hope, we will answer the question asked in the title enthusiastically, as metahueristics indeed can do many things for you irrespective of what domain you are working in.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 60Duration: 45 minutes
Languages Available: English
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