Data Privacy in Public Data Sets and Statistical Databases
Speaker: RK Shyamasundar – Mumbai, IndiaTopic(s): Security and Privacy
In the context data privacy laws, there is a need to address the general question of protecting privacy when publicly releasing information about a sensitive dataset. With transactional and historical data sets being available online, privacy attacks have become common. A privacy attack takes seemingly innocuous released information and extracts personal information about individuals. Re-identification attacks are one such class of attacks that leads privacy compromises.
In this talk, we shall review various such attacks such as reconstruction and tracing attacks on statistical databases. We also discuss techniques from the differential privacy literature for releasing approximate aggregate statistics while provably thwarting any privacy attack. It shall further discuss as to how differential privacy comes to rescue and its limitations. We shall also compare it with classical techniques like K-anonymity and its generalizations.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 75Duration: 60 minutes
Languages Available: English
Last Updated:
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