Developing and Sustaining Competence in HCI Education
Speaker: Colin M. Gray – Bloomington, IN, United StatesTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
Careers in HCI and User Experience (UX) design are rapidly evolving, drawing practitioners from a range of educational backgrounds, which ensures its diversity and multi-disciplinarity. However, this diversity comes at the expense of a shared and stable sense of disciplinary identity as is enjoyed by many other practicing fields of design or engineering. In this talk, I share outcomes and reflections on ten years of curriculum development and research on HCI education. I provide examples of how the research-practice divide has encouraged practitioners to build their own resources for knowledge-sharing and self-learning, and the relevance of these practices for HCI educators. I also share examples of how my colleagues and I have developed undergraduate and graduate programs in HCI, creating innovative integrated studio models of instruction to address the complexity of HCI and UX practice, preparing students for the self-learning that is required for ongoing success in their discipline.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: n/aDuration: 45 minutes
Languages Available: English
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