Daniela Damian is a Professor of Software Engineering and ECS- API Chair in Inclusive Science, Technology and Engineering at the University of Victoria. She also leads research that studies human factors, collaboration and diversity and inclusion in software engineering in the Software Engineering Global interAction Laboratory (SEGAL, She is the founder and Director of the INSPIRE:STEM for Social Impact Program ( at the University of Victoria and which facilitates and studies experiential-learning science and engineering projects in community-led and society-impactful projects. Daniela was Program Co-Chair of ICSE 2022, and other Software Engineering conferences, and has served on the editorial boards of Transactions on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering Journal and as the Human Aspects Area Editor for the Journal of Software and Systems.
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Collaborative learning and social impact: The Future of educating diverse and inclusive technology teams?
Underrepresentation of female-identifying students in technology development starts early in our education system, in middle and secondary schools, and grows into a more significant problem in our...
The secret ingredient to Inclusive Software Development
Software engineering is in a diversity crisis. Research shows that software teams that lack diversity also miss the opportunity of leveraging diverse perspectives and experiences and which,...
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