Ming Xiao, received Bachelor and Master degrees in Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, ChengDu in 1997 and 2002, respectively. He received Ph.D degree from Chalmers University of technology, Sweden in November 2007. From 1997 to 1999, he worked as a network and software engineer in ChinaTelecom. From 2000 to 2002, he also held a position in the SiChuan communications administration. From November 2007 to now, he has been in the department of information science and engineering, school of electrical engineering and computer science, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, where he is currently a Full Professor. He was an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications (2012-2017), IEEE Communications Letters (Senior Editor Since January 2015) and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2012-2016), and has been an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications since 2018. He was the lead Guest Editor for IEEE JSAC Special issue on “Millimeter Wave Communications for future mobile networks” in 2017. He has been an area editor for IEEE Open Journal of the Communication Society since 2019. He is member of ACM and senior member of IEEE. He published more than 200 journal articles in IEEE and ACM (e.g., IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, IEEE Transactions on information theory, on communications, on wireless communications, JSAC, JSTSP). His total citation is more than 11000 (google scholar).
Available Lectures
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Distributed Machine Learning: Basic and Algorithms
In this talk, we will talk one distributed machine learning (DML) schemes. We start from the introduction of optimization, convex optimization, motivation of distributed machine learning. Then we...
Federated Learning: Algorithms, Analysis and Optimization
In this talk, we will talk about the algorithms of emerging federated learning. We will give the algorithms of Federated Learning. Then, we will explain from mathmetical aspcts on the properties...
Network Coding: Principle, Limits and Applications
In this talk, we will talk about the fundamentals on network coding. We will talk the the basics of network coding (NC) and the fundamental limits of NC. Then, the algebraic methods of NC will be...
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