A New Paradigm of Human-Computer Interaction: Human-AI Collaboration
Speaker: Dakuo Wang – Cambridge, MA, United StatesTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
We are witnessing an emerging new paradigm of how people interact with computer systems. A few examples include computers we ate into our stomachs, artificial limbs controlled by electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), e-tattoos on our skins, various Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) systems, auto-piloted cars, and various assistants enabled by Artificial Intelligent (AI) in our phones, at work, and at home. Contrary to the known paradigms, where we know how people use Personal Computers (PCs) with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), web-based systems, mobile applications (Ubiquitous Computing), social network systems (Social Computing), we have little knowledge about how people interact with these new technologies. We know so little that we do not even have a consensus of the name for this new paradigm, thus the design of such systems is quite opportunistic.
Given the recent advance of Artificial Intelligent (AI) techniques, particularly in the intelligent conversational agent (CA) domain and in automated machine learning (AutoML/AutoAI), my colleagues and I at IBM Research started to investigate how to design these AI systems to support future collaborations. We envision that there is a possible future that humans and agents will collaborate with each other to accomplish tasks. In the second part of this talk, I will present some preliminary work that we have done at IBM Research in designing and developing CAs that aims to work together with humans in future’s collaborations.
In this talk, I will firstly provide an account and a definition for this new paradigm. Then, I propose the “Human-AI Collaboration” model, which can be used as a guideline for understanding people’s interactions with AI systems, and as design principles for designing such systems.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 60Duration: 45 minutes
Languages Available: Chinese (Simplified), English
Last Updated:
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