Recent advances in Crowd Modeling and Simulation
Speaker: Gabriel Wainer – Ottawa, ON, CanadaTopic(s): Applied Computing
Crowd simulation demands careful consideration between the classic tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency. Particle-based methods have seen success in various applications in architecture, military, urban planning, and entertainment. Grid-shaped cellular models have gained popularity in this sense. In particular, Cellular Automata (CA) have been widely used with these purposes. Despite their usefulness to describe complex behavior, CA can require large amounts of compute time, mainly due to its synchronous nature. The use of a discrete time base also constrains the precision of the model. Besides this, CA do not describe adequately most of existing physical systems whose nature is asynchronous. The Cell-DEVS formalism was defined in order to attack these problems. The goal of Cell-DEVS is to build discrete-event cell spaces, improving their definition by making the timing specification more expressive.
We will introduce the main characteristics of the Cell-DEVS formalism, and will show how to model complex cell spaces in. We will present different examples of application, and discuss open research issues in this area. We will then focus on advanced models of pedestrian flow and crowds. The methodology uses a cellular modeling approach in which each cell is defined as a discrete event agent, and defines a procedure to couple cells evolving the state of the influenced neighbors. This method focuses on local dynamics of individuals in large crowds, with a focus on serious games and entertainment. The technique uses an area-based penalty force that captures the in-fringement of each entity’s personal space. This method does not need a costly nearest-neighbor search and allows for an inherently data-parallel implementation capable of simulating thousands of entities at interactive frame rates. The algorithm reproduces personal space compression around motion barriers for moving crowds and around points of interest for static crowds.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 40Duration: 40 - 120 minutes
Languages Available: English, Spanish
Last Updated:
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