In recent years, we have developed new methods to include simulation services in remote servers using RESTful Web Services and Modeling and Simulation As A Service (MSAAS). The main objective is to integrate different simulation services with cloud computing services, in order to provide on-demand recommendations based on simulation results.
We will discuss how this technology can be used for carrying out varied experiments. We will first discuss examples in the field of environmental sciences and in particular in fire spreading models. The fire spreading model was mashed up using Geographical Information Systems as inputs, and outputs using of different Web Services (Google Maps, Google Earth). We will also discuss the design of ATLAS (Advanced Traffic LAnguage Specifications), a high-level specification language representing city sections. The ATLAS Traffic Simulator Compiler (ATLAS/TSC or TSC) was built using a set of templates that can be redefined by the user, easily adapting the generation of behavior to different modeling and simulation techniques (including standalone, embedded real-time, and parallel versions).
We will present the current advances in our lab, focusing on the methodologies employed for distributed simulation, mash-up applications and implementation on thin clients (including embedded applications).
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 40Duration: 40 - 120 minutes
Languages Available: English, Spanish
Last Updated:
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