Cyberwarfare: Who Needs a Gun when you have a Keyboard?
Speaker: Haider Abbas – Islamabad, PakistanTopic(s): Security and Privacy
With the increasing reliance of governments on technology, the internet landscape has become a battlefield. Cyber warfare has become a dominant threat to the governments and business industries. The primary purpose of cyberwarfare is to weaken or destroy a nation and its critical infrastructure causing damage to the state including loss of life. The destructive weapons were once thought of as only physical entities may they be chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons. However, in the present threat scenario, as everything from transport networks to financial services relies on technology, catastrophic damage can also be caused with a few lines of code. The ability of the hackers to plant a malware in a system diminishes the value of having physical weapons. The talk shall cover different types of cyber warfare attacks and some historical examples of such operations followed by the suggestions on combating the cyber warfare.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 32Duration: 25 - 30 minutes
Languages Available: English
Last Updated:
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