Reflecting on the value of food for Human-Food Interaction research
Speaker: Corina Sas – Lancaster, United KingdomTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
Through its rich sensory and emotional qualities, food is an excellent resource for design. Most human-food interaction research however has focused on designing around food, for instance through commensality technologies. In contrast, less work has explored the design with food, and the role of technologies within the eating experiences per sei. This talk will focus on this less explored design space highlighting the emerging trend of moving from taste stimulation towards supporting multisensory flavor experiences. The talk will also describe how novel 3D food printing technologies can be used to co-design personalized flavors to support intimacy and memory recall, and the value of such research to inform design implications for future human-food interaction.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 45 - 60Duration: 45 - 60 minutes
Languages Available: English
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