Non-human Personas: Including Nature in the Participatory Design of Smart Cities
Speaker: Marcus Foth – Brisbane, QLD, AustraliaTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
For the past decades humans have been placed at the centre of designing Information and Communication Technology (ICT), leading to the rise in prominence of human-centred design. The field of smart cities has equally adopted notions of citizen participation as a way to ensure that technological solutions improve people’s livelihoods. However, these kinds of processes treat the urban environment as separate from nature, promoting human comfort and convenience over planetary health and wellbeing.This talk is motivated by growing concerns over climate change and the prospect of a planetary ecocide that highlight the urgency to reconsider how we define and practice participation in smart cities and in human-centred ICT solutions more broadly. In this talk, Prof. Marcus Foth assesses how the design persona method can be adapted to include more-than-human perspectives in the design process.
Recommended readings:
Tomitsch, M., Fredericks, J., Vo, D., Frawley, J., & Foth, M. (2021). Non-human Personas: Including Nature in the Participatory Design of Smart Cities. IxD&A – Interaction Design & Architecture(s), 50, 102-130.
Foth, M., & Caldwell, G. A. (2018). More-than-Human Media Architecture. In Proceedings of the 4th Media Architecture Biennale Conference (MAB’18), Beijing, China. (pp. 66-75). ACM.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 34Duration: 45 - 90 minutes
Languages Available: English
Last Updated:
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