On the Role of APIs in Connected and Autonomous Cars: A Case for Critical Applications
Speaker: Rasheed Hussain – Bristol, United KingdomTopic(s): Security and Privacy
Application Programming Interface (API) is a mechanism that has enabled the rapid development and availability of services, scalability, and sharing of services and value among different stakeholders. APIs provide direct access to the business logic of the applications and data which is of paramount importance for the enterprise to deliver their services without any delay. This inherently enables fast service delivery; however, such APIs could be luring playground for the cyber-attackers as well. This talk focuses on the security requirements and the current state of API security. From the security solutions standpoint, this talk reflects on the current solutions for API security and their shortcomings that will lead us to discuss the role of AI in API security which is essential for critical applications. A use case of automotive applications is discussed.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 25Duration: 50 minutes
Languages Available: English
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