4 a.m. is the new midnight(and other internet philosophies)
Speaker: Steven Pemberton – Amsterdam, NetherlandsTopic(s): Society and the Computing Profession
For nearly 60 years we have experienced the effects of Moore's Law, the exponential growth in the power of computers, with the cost of computing halving every 18 months or so. Every order of magnitude change has resulted in a new generation of computers, from mainframes, to minicomputers, to workstations, to laptops and home computers, to tablets, to embedded devices.
But computers are not the only place where we have experienced exponential growth: the price of light has halved every 13 years since at least 1800; the amount of information we have generated has doubled every 15 years since at least the 17th century(it's even faster now); and bandwidth has been doubling yearly. These developments also create societal change. But there's one that still needs to happen.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 40Duration: 45 minutes
Languages Available: Dutch, English
Last Updated:
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