Fly Me to the Moon
Speaker: Jessica R. Cauchard – Vienna, AustriaTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
As machines become ever more autonomous, diverging visions emerge, from realms of science and science fiction alike. Some imagine a glamorous future with virtual and physical agents devoted to humans, supporting our well-being and handling our every chore, as we luxuriate; while others ponder whether humans will, instead, support robots and AI in daily tasks.
To nurture optimistic visions of the future, we must facilitate seamless human-machine communication, as to enable the symbiotic integration of machines into human environments. This challenge can be addressed from a dual perspective, one of understanding and one of interaction. Indeed, successful integration demands that intelligent systems grasp the intricacies and subtleties of human contexts, just as humans must interpret the actions and behaviors of machines. Furthermore, it hinges on the ability of humans and machines to engage with one another, both implicitly and explicitly, as they navigate the world together.
This lecture showcases how human-centered approaches foster the development of natural communication between humans and machines, and how design methods can be harnessed to leverage the understanding of complex systems. This ensemble will unveil how we can enable coexistence between autonomous systems and us, humans.
About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 30Duration: 40 minutes
Languages Available: English, Finnish
Last Updated:
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