Co-Designed, Collocated & Playful Interactions
Speaker: AndrĂ©s Lucero – Helsinki, FinlandTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets were originally conceived and have traditionally been utilized for individual use. Early research on mobile collocated interactions often encouraged people to share their devices to create a collective experience or reach a common goal. Most first-wave mobile collocated interactions research looked at the use of smartphones (and tablets) and tended to be device-centric, while a current second wave that focuses on the increasing popularity of wearables is experience-centric. In this lecture, I will discuss the co-design approach and methods used to create collocated and playful interactions, and present future directions for a third wave of research on mobile collocated interactions.About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 20 - 30Duration: 30 - 60 minutes
Languages Available: English, French, Spanish
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