First-Person HCI Research Methods
Speaker: AndrĂ©s Lucero – Helsinki, FinlandTopic(s): Human Computer Interaction
Within the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and interaction design, there has been a growing desire to more deeply understand the use of technology within real, everyday settings. The goal is to gain a deep and experiential understanding of the effect of technology on people, society, and everyday life. As a result, this goal has brought about methodological interrogations in the field over how one ought to study the increasing ubiquity of technology and the complex world in which it is used. As an addition to the array of HCI methodological tools, longitudinal first-person research methods such as autoethnography or autobiographical design offer a chance for researchers to not only investigate the mundane, ongoing, and ubiquitous presence of technology in everyday life, but also to acknowledge their own positionality in research and design, and to rely on first-hand experience as a mode of knowing. This shift in epistemological commitments has the potential of yielding rich, honest, and authentic reflections and insights about our ongoing lives with technology. In this lecture, I will discuss practices, techniques, tactics, and implications of first-person research that involves data collection and experiences from the researcher themselves, as opposed to external users (or participants).About this Lecture
Number of Slides: 20 - 30Duration: 30 - 60 minutes
Languages Available: English, French, Spanish
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