Professor Duh is the Director of Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia and a Professor of School of Engineering & ICT at University of Tasmania. He received his degrees in psychology, industrial design and engineering respectively and did his postdoctoral training in NASA-Johnson Space Centre involving in virtual reality project. He was a faculty member in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University and the Interactive & Digital Media Institute, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore.
Prof. Duh is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Fellow of the British Computer Society, ACM Distinguished Speaker, a Senior Member of both ACM and IEEE; the Australian National Representative of IFIP TC13 on HCI and TC14 on Entertainment Computing; Steering committee chair of ChineseCHI and steering committee member of IEEE ISMAR. He is the Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (Springer) and Gaming Media and Social Effects Book Series (Springer), an Associate Editor of ACM Entertainment in Computer, editorial board members of HCI book series (Springer), and published more than 100 conference and journal papers in HCI area. Professor Duh has served the program/organizing committee for IEEE/ACM International Symposium of Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) for years. He is currently a member of Australian Council of Deans of ICT and a member of University Planning Committee, NICTA. His research focuses on augmented/virtual reality, user experience and interaction design, and gaming effects in mobile systems.
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Augmented Reality: Current Research Development and Future Directions
Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the emerging technologies and prevailing research areas in recent years. It gives numerous opportunities to create new interaction style...
User Experience Design for Internet of Things
Internet of Things is recently mentioned as one of the disruptive technologies to change our daily life. For the economical development in regional areas, how IoTs can be...
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