Available Speakers in Australia
Athman Bouguettaya – Sydney, NSW
- From IoT Data to Services
- Managing Web Services
- Taming Big Data
- Workshop on Writing for (top) Computer Science Journals
Gernot Heiser – Sydney, NSW
- From niche to prime time: How seL4 changed a research community
- How to Write a Great Paper
- Making Trusted Systems Trustworthy
San Murugesan – Sydney, NSW
- Green IT and Sustainability: Addressing the Global Environmental Crisis Embracing Technology
- Quantum Computing: A Revolution in The Making
- The Golden Age of Digital Innovation and Disruption: How to Become an Innovator and Create Lasting Impact
- The Rise of Autonomous Systems: Advances, Applications, and Opportunities
- Trust-Worthy and Responsible AI
Marcus Foth – Brisbane, QLD
- DataCare for Digital Twins: Participatory Data Analytics and the Social Licence to Operate Smart Cities
- Hostile Interaction Design
- Intermediation in Design: Designers as Intermediaries
- More-than-Human Futures: Connected Urbanism and Cohabitation in the Smart City
- Non-human Personas: Including Nature in the Participatory Design of Smart Cities
- Technology is the least of our concerns: Three provocations in response to the climate emergency
David Howard – Brisbane, QLD
- AI-Based Design of Industrial Components for Next-Gen Industry
- Autonomous Soft Robot Design
- Embodied Intelligence and Morphological Computing in Robotics
- Robotic Simulation, Modelling, and the Reality Gap
Zehong (Jimmy) Cao – Adelaide, SA
- Computational Intelligence for Brain-Computer Interface Applications
- Deep Reinforcement Learning with Human Intervention Applications
Muhammad Aamir Cheema – Melbourne, VIC
- Indoor Data Management: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
- Recent Progress in Pathfinding for Indoor Venues and Game Maps
- Success in Academic Publishing: Insights, Tips, and Best Practices
- Urban Computing for a Sustainable Future: Some Research Directions for Greener and Safer Cities
Henry Duh – Melbourne, VIC
- Augmented Reality: Current Research Development and Future Directions
- User Experience Design for Internet of Things
Seng Loke – Melbourne, VIC
- Algorithms for Cooperative IoT: From Edge Computing to Social Vehicles
- Cooperative Vehicles: is this the Future of Transport?
- Living in an Automated City: Promises and Perils
Feng Xia – Melbourne, VIC
- From Data Science to Graph Learning
- Network Science Meets Data Science: Opportunities and Challenges
- Scholarly Social Computing
Artur Lugmayr – Perth, WN
- Designing Interactive Data Visualizations that Work: Current Research and Future Directions
- Science Management "for Dummies" - Tools for Successful Early Career Scholars
- Serious Storytelling - Storytelling Outside the Entertainment Context
Ajmal Saeed Mian – Crawley, WN
- 3D Deceptive Textures for Physical World Adversarial Attacks
- Deep Learning for Multiple Object Tracking
- Deep Learning over 3D Point Clouds
- Dense 3D Face Correspondence for Deep 3D Face Recognition and Medical Applications
- Learning from Legacy MoCap Data for Precision Modelling of 3D Human Motion for Behavioural and Performance Analysis
- Threat of Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Gianluca Demartini – Queensland
- Artificial Intelligence with Humans in the Loop
- Knowledge Graphs for Entity-centric Information Access
- The Power of Big Data
John Grundy – Melbourne
- Human-centric (Self-Adaptive) Software Engineering
- Human-centric Software Engineering
- Impact of End User Human Aspects on Software Engineering
- Paper writing 101: So you want/need to write an SE paper?
- Research Methods in Automated Software Engineering
- Tips on applying for funding
Manoj Kumar Kumar – Sydney
- A Fulfilling Career: The Significance of Quality Engineering in Digital Transformation
- Empathy-Driven Engineering: Integrating Accessibility & Human Computer Interaction into Digital Transformation.
- Nurturing Sustainability: A Paradigm Shift in Developing Digital Solutions
- Software Craftsmanship: Clean Coding Practices.
- The Evolution of Browser Automation Frameworks in JavaScript.
- Unveiling the Power of Generative AI