John Grundy BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, FASE, FIEAust, CPEng, EngExec, SMACM, SMIEEE
I am currently Australian Laureate Fellow and Professor of Software Engineering at Monash University. I hold the BSc(Hons), MSc and PhD degrees, all in Computer Science, from the University of Auckland. I am a Fellow of Automated Software Engineering, Fellow of Engineers Australia, Certified Professional Engineer, Engineering Executive, Senior Member of the ACM and Senior Member of the IEEE. I lead the "Human-centric Software Engineering" - HumaniSE - research lab. I was awarded the 2023 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service award. I was awarded the 2014 IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering Distinguished Educator award.
In my 5 year ARC Laureate Fellowship I am researching new approaches to engineering software systems that fully take into account the "human" aspects of end users and team members. This project aims to find fundamentally new ways to capture and use human-centric software requirements during model-driven software engineering and verifying that systems meet these requirements. There are major issues with misaligned software applications in terms of accessibility, usability, emotions, personality, age, gender, and culture. We aim to address these through new conceptual foundations and modelling techniques for their support during software engineering. The intended outcomes are enhanced theory, models, tools and capability for next-generation software engineering with these critical elements. Significant benefits are expected to include greatly improved software quality, developer productivity and cost savings.
I have published nearly 600 refereed publications in Software Engineering with nearly 16,000 citations to date. This includes nearly 30 papers in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14 papers in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 12 papers each in Information and Software Technology and Journal of Systems and Software, almost 30 papers in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, nearly 20 papers in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, and nearly 40 papers in the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-centric Computing.
I was General Chair of the 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, and the 2021, 2020 and 2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. I have served on the ASE Steering Committee 3 times, VL/HCC Steering Committee twice and currently serve on the ICSE Steering Committee. I am currently Senior Associate Editor for ACM Computing Surveys, Associate Editor for ACM TOSEM and Associate Editor Automated Software Engineering. I was Associate Editor in Chief for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering for over 8 years.
Previously I was the Senior Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Information Technology. Until February 2018 I was Pro Vice-Chancellor ICT Innovation and Translation at Deakin University and an Alfred Deakin Professor. Before that I was at the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia and was the Dean of the School of Software and Electrical Engineering and the Director of the large Research Centre Swinburne University Centre for Computing and Engineering Software Systems (SUCCESS). I was previously the Head of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Swinburne and briefly Deputy Dean for the previous Faculty of ICT. Before coming to Australia at the end of 2009 I was Head of Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
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Human-centric (Self-Adaptive) Software Engineering
Humans are different - age, gender, language, culture, personality, emotions, physical and mental challenges, living and working situations, and many other ways. Most software adopts a...
- Human-centric Software Engineering
Humans are a key part of software development, including customers, designers, coders, testers and end users. In this talk I discuss several examples from our recent work on handling human-centric...- Impact of End User Human Aspects on Software Engineering
Software is designed and built to help solve human problems. However, much current software fails to take into account the diverse end users of software systems and their differing characteristics...- Paper writing 101: So you want/need to write an SE paper?
This is an advice talk aimed originally at final year Software Engineering Bachelors Honors students, but has been given to PhD, Masters and other undergraduate Software Engineering and wider...- Research Methods in Automated Software Engineering
Originally given to the Automated Software Engineering doctoral symposium, this provides an overview of common ASE (and Software Engineering) methods. It is designed around interaction with a...- Tips on applying for funding
Targeted towards Early Career Researchers and PhDs, in this talk I discuss some of the fundamentals of applying for grant funding. While I use examples from predominantly Australian Schemes, I...To request a tour with this speaker, please complete this online form.
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- Human-centric Software Engineering