Available Speakers in Germany
Rolf Drechsler – Bremen
Bjoern M Eskofier – Erlangen
- AI for Future Healthcare
- Machine Learning: Trends (and Hypes?)
- Musculoskeletal Simulation in Sports and Medicine
- Wearable computing systems and machine learning for sports science research
Marc Hassenzahl – Siegen
- Chatbots, robots, smart things: Challenges of designing meaningful interaction with ?Otherware?
- Forging and maintaining the social over the distance
- From usability to experience and beyond: Designing technology with wellbeing in mind
- Technology for meaningful work
Walid Maalej – Hamburg
- (Tech-) Transfer: Patterns and Lessons Learned from the "German Model"
- AI Engineering - How can Software & Requirements Engineering Help Solving the "AI Dilemma"
- Modern Requirements Engineering
- Rethinking Mining Software Repositories: On the Importance of Manual Analysis for Automation
- User Feedback Intelligence for Requirements Engineering, UX, and Software Evolution