Networks and Communications
Available Speakers and their Lectures on this Topic
Yuguang "Michael" Fang – Kowloon, Hong Kong
Connected Things for Intelligence, Communications, Computing and Control
Whether we like it or not, our living space has been stealthily and steadily transformed into a world of connected things! Various devices...
Leverage Vehicles to Build a Multi-dimensional Resource Network for Smart Cities
Observing that the most popular and omnipresent things in a typical large city are vehicles. If a large number of vehicles are equipped with...
Rasheed Hussain – Bristol, United Kingdom
A journey from Vehicular Networks to Vehicular Clouds and Vehicular Social Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
In this talk, the journey of pure, mainstream vehicular networks towards vehicular clouds and vehicular social networks is discussed. The first part covers vehicular networks from the perspective...
Future Internet Architecture: Content-Centric Networking
Over the last few decades, the use of Internet has been dominated by the interest in content in different forms such as audio, video, images, and so on. It is worth mentioning that the original...
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
This lecture covers the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Cybersecurity. With the emergence of new technologies, increase in the volume, velocity, veracity, and variety of data calls for new...
Weizhi Meng – Copenhagen, Denmark
When Intrusion Detection Meets Blockchain Technology
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are a basic and important security mechanism to identify potential cyber threats in computer networks. To fit distributed framework and enhance the detection...
Kenny Mitchell – Burbank, CA, United States
Delivering Intelligence Telexistence in Virtual Worlds with Everyone
This talk presents experiences and thoughtful strategies of delivering research into mass appeal interactive virtual worlds from 3d multiplayer streaming immersion in the rich story worlds of...
Zeeshan Pervez – Paisley, United Kingdom
What it takes to secure programmable networks
In this lecture, I will present research and technical challenges of securing programmable networks i.e., software-defined networks. Dividing a network into control, data, and application plans...
Junaid Qadir – Doha, Qatar
How 5G Wireless (and Concomitant Technologies) Will Revolutionize Healthcare?
The need to have equitable access to quality healthcare is enshrined in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which defines the developmental agenda of the UN for the next...
Danda B Rawat – Washington, DC, United States
Wireless Virtualization for Enhancing Network Capacity, Network Coverage, Energy Efficiency and Wireless Security for Next Generation Wireless Networking
Over the last several decades, we have experienced enormous growth in the use of cellular telephones, hand-held devices and Wi-Fi networks for home and office, as well as emerging wireless...
Biplab Sikdar – Singapore, Singapore
Internet of Things: Technologies and Challenges
The living, work, and industrial environment of the future will comprise of environments formed by extremely large numbers of devices that are producers and consumers of information, and whose...
Gautam Srivastava – Brandon, MB, Canada
Privacy and Security in Pub/Sub Protocols for the Internet of Things
The basic concept behind the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) is to connect as many objects to the Internet as possible in an attempt to make our lives better in some way. However,...