Available Speakers in India
Rizwan Ahmed – Nagpur
- AI ? The Key to Scaling Cyber Defence? Systematic identification, Intelligent automation, Ability to action and Use Cases
- Agile Project Management
- Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities & Threats
- Information Technology Top Research and Development Trends 2019
- IoT in Healthcare
- Mobile Forensics and Cyber Crime Investigations
Santhosh Kumar Balan – Hyderabad
- Data Analysis using Jupyter Notebook
- Data Science
- Data Science for Beginners
- Data Science-Art of Life
- Research issues in Data Mining
Tanmoy Chakraborty – New Delhi
- Combating Hostile Posts on Social Media: Detection, Characterization, Mitigation, and Beyond
- Evolution of Large Language Models: The Good, The Bad and The Opportunities
- Social Network Analysis: Introduction, Network Properties, and Applications
- Transforming Mental Health Care with AI and Language Technology
Aswani Kumar Cherukuri – Vellore
- Demystifying Quantum Computing Technology
- Exploring Blockchain Technology
- Spill the beans: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) & Deep Learning (DL)
Rik Das – Ranchi
Swagatam Das – Kolkata
- Do your data behave gently to your Machine Learning algorithms? What if not?
- Evaluating the Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithms: Modern Performance Indicators and (Non-parametric) Statistical Testing Framework
- Generative Adversarial Networks - one of the most happening developments in Machine Learning through the lens of Statistics
Rik Das – Ranchi
Swagatam Das – Kolkata
Rik Das – Ranchi
- Machine Learning Engineer to Machine Learning Scientist: A journey with Image Processing
- Machine Learning for non Coders: Your turn to become a ML Expert
Swagatam Das – Kolkata
Asif Ekbal – Jodhpur
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis
- Empathetic AI: Teaching Computers Empathy and Politeness
- Neural Machine Translation in Low-resource Languages
- Probing hate speech and misinformation detection on the shoulder of affective information and multitask learning
Ujjwal Maulik – Kolkata
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science: Current Trends and Future Challenges
- Computational Intelligence for Bioinformatics
- Machine Learning and Data Science: Fundamental, Challenges and Future
- Unsupervised Pattern Classification in Single and Multi-objective Framework
Prasant Kumar Misra – Bangalore
- A Conservative View of IoT
- Control, Optimization and Management of Electric Mobility
- Information Processing Techniques for Mobile Sensing and IoT at Scale
Nitendra Rajput – Gurgaon
- AI in Finance: Need for explainability and trust
- Temporal Graph Learning for Financial World: Algorithms, Scalability, Explainability & Fairness
- The Psychology of Deep Learning in Decision Making
Sripana Saha – Bihta Patna District
- AI/ML Applications in Digital Health
- Multimodal Information Processing: Some recent NLP applications
- Multimodal Summarization : Recent Trends and Applications
Neha Sharma – Pune
- Demystifying Data Science
- Journey from Data To Data Product
- Network Analytics
- Unchain the Block Chain
- Use of Open Data for sustainable community
RK Shyamasundar – Mumbai
- A Runtime Monitoring Framework for Correct Execution of Smart Contracts
- A Safety Assessment of ERC20 Standards
- Building Secure Information Systems Using Decentralised Information Flow Control
- Data Privacy in Public Data Sets and Statistical Databases
- Data Privacy, Information Disclosure and Inference Control
- Multi-Level Secure Databases: Security and Privacy
- Smart Contracts, Vulnerability Exploitation in Solidity Smart Contracts and Best Practices
- Threat Modelling, and Vulnerability Analysis of Blockchain Systems1
Bidyadhar Subudhi – Ponda Goa
- A Muti-agent Distributed Control of a Microgrid
- Adaptive Filtering Approaches to Control Maximum Power Extraction and Grid Synchronization of PV systems
- Machine Learning Approach to Control an Autonomous
- Reinforcement Leaning Adaptive Control of a Flexible Manipulator